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5 Common Questions about Facial Hair Transplant

Facial hair transplant has become more popular in recent years with especially the increasingly successful and natural results of beard hair transplantation. Today, there are various kinds of facial hair transplant surgery available. When patients are looking for a beard, mustache, or sideburn hair transplant surgery, they usually prefer to thicken their existing facial hair or to construct a completely new beard, mustache or sideburn from scratch when they cannot be grown naturally.

Hair transplant through Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique is a quite popular hair loss treatment among men who complain about their hair loss or aren’t happy with the thickness of their hair. The beard-growing trend developed in recent years after a long time of dominance of clean-shaven celebrities found a new application for facial hair transplant.

In this article, we will try to answer some common questions related to the process stages, safety level, results and costs of a facial hair transplant procedure.

What exactly is a Facial Hair Transplant?

Facial hair transplant, generally considered as beard transplant, is a growing trend popular among men, whose facial hair does not grow, grows irregularly, or does not appear in some areas, thus preventing them from achieving the desired look. Among possible variations are beard hair transplant, mustache hair transplant, and eyebrow hair transplant. A beard transplant is the most preferred facial hair transplant type among them. Beard hairs tend to grow much more rapidly and are more long-lasting than other forms of body hair. This is why men may often grow beards quite long. Beard hair transplants are very consistent and will result in a yield typically between 60% and 100%.

How Long Does Facial Hair Transplant Procedure Last?

The time of the facial hair transplant procedure depends mostly on the number of follicular units extracted. The smallest number of units is required for mustache transplant – just around 300-500. In the case of eyebrow transplant by FUE technique, it would be even up to 650 units. A beard hair transplant is a tricky one – it depends on the area treated. If a patient wants just a goatee, the number is naturally smaller than when he requires a full beard.
During the procedure, surgeons take the hair from the donor scalp of the patient and transplant it to predetermined areas of the face. They usually give a mild sedative to the patients as their face is injected with painkillers throughout the day. When the procedure is completed the patient is free to leave without any stay, facial hair transplant is considered an outpatient surgery like all hair transplant procedures. Beard and facial hair transplant procedures usually may require more than one session to achieve an exactly desired density.

Still, the facial hair transplant procedure may take several hours. In the case of FUT transplant, this time is shorter but, in many cases, the FUE technique is the preferred one. With FUE, the surgeon removes the follicular units one by one, so, there will be no incision and a linear scar like in the FUT method. Instead, there is punctiform scar tissue less than one millimeter in diameter.

READ: FUE Hair Transplant – The top 8 things you need to know

Is Facial Hair Transplant a Safe Procedure?

Yes, a facial hair transplant is a relatively safe procedure. Still, it is possible to point out a few facial hair transplant side effects. However, none of them has to happen. The most common are temporary bruising and swelling. Additionally, some patients suffer from mild infections which can be easily treated with antibiotics. The most common of all side effects of hair transplant is hair loss right after the facial hair transplant. However, there is nothing to worry about. It is a natural process, and the new, stronger hair will grow up in its place in the first one to three months after a facial hair transplant.

All hair transplant surgeries have more or less the same risks. Surgeons and patients generally take the same precautions for scalp hair transplant surgery and facial hair transplant surgery. And those precautions start with researching your doctor and clinic, meeting and talking to former patients, seeing the before and after pictures and checking the reviews and finally understanding the facts, results, and limitations that any and all surgical hair restoration procedures provide.

What Are the Results of Facial Hair Transplant Procedure?

Most patients are satisfied with their new look after facial hair transplant treatment and the initial hair fall. In the case of a facial hair transplant, the critical issue is choosing the right clinic and surgeon.
Specialists with a lot of experience and artistic touch will be more successful in proper follicular unit extraction (90% or so units untouched) as well as proper grafting them as beard implants, mustache implants, or eyebrow implants.

How Much Does Facial Hair Transplant Cost?

As in the case of time, facial hair transplant cost depends on the number of follicular units extracted or, in the case of FUT, on the size of the scalp part transplanted.
In the USA, a beard transplant or eyebrow transplant may cost as much as €6600. For the same procedure, in Turkey, will be just around €1500. As we see, the difference lies not only in the number of units/sizes of the area extracted during the operation but also in the country you choose for your surgery.

Country prices are usually dictated by the price of insurance, local currency as well as other factors. Therefore, it is better to do some research on affordable facial hair transplant treatment abroad. In this way, beard hair transplant, eyebrow hair transplant, or mustache transplant will be definitely within our reach.

READ: How Much Does Beard Transplant Cost?


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