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Botox for Migraine

Not until long ago, cosmetic treatments were exclusive to some society elites, with time as cosmetic procedures became more and more accessible to the individual; it led to multiple discoveries and applications. One of these discoveries was the treatment of migraine with Botox injections, which opened the door to physicians to study Botox treatments for other possible conditions.


What is Botox?

Botulinum toxin or more commercially known as Botox is a neurotoxin drug produced from a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum which inhabits the natural environment, whereby in its normal state it is non-toxic. Doctors use minimal dosages to treat several conditions included but not limited to aesthetic treatments.

Typically, Botox is associated with the industry of cosmetics surgery but underrated for its application to treat certain medical conditions. According to U.S. National Library of Medicine Botox can be used to treat chronic migraines, excessive sweating, and muscular disorders, Botox has the ability to weaken or paralyze certain muscles, or block particular nerves. The way Botox work is by injecting small dosage to a specified muscle area to block the nerve cells from sending signals to the muscle, thus making the muscle in a constant state of relaxation.

Read:  5 Things You Should Know About Botox Injections

What is Migraine?

Contrary to popular belief, migraine is different than a bad headache. Migraines are identified as a throbbing, plus like sensation on one side of your head, generally followed with sever light or sound sensitivity, dizziness, partial face numbness. No doubt, symptoms differ from one individual to another. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, migraine is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning there is no substantial method or test to show it is present. However, it is diagnosed by examining the symptoms, family medical history, and eliminating other possible causes. A migraine episode can last between 4 hours to 3 days rendering your ability to practice any daily activities.

Some patients were able to identify a warning symptom before they experience migraine; they call it "aura". You would experience migraine aura right before a migraine or during your migraine. Migraine aura is associated with visual disturbance, difficulty in speaking, and tingling sensation on your face or extremities.

Although causes of migraines are still not fully comprehended, studies suggest you are more likely to experience it if you are a woman. Moreover, genetics and external environmental circumstances contribute to it. However, research was able to identify some migraine triggers, such as:

· Hormonal changes in females; due to the fluctuating estrogen levels, specifically prior to or during the menstrual period, pregnancy, and menopause.

· Stress caused from work related tasks.

· Changes in sleeping hour.

· Sensory stimulate, glaring at the sun, or bright light could cause you a migraine.


Botox is good for…

Botox application as a treatment proved successful for a number of medical conditions. Researchers are still investigating other possible ways to apply it. For instance, some of the terms Botox is used as treatment are:

· Eyelid spasm.

· Severe neck and shoulder spasm.

· Chronic migraine.

· Excessive sweating.

· Overactive bladder.

· Frown lines between eyebrows.

· Crossed eyes.

Also, Botox proved useful in treating Bell's palsy, a condition that causes paralysis to one side of your facial muscle. According to the International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM), Bell's Palsy is a result of trauma to the facial nerves caused in most cases by a viral infection (common cold sores). Research suggests it is more likely among people with diabetes or viral infections.

READ: Botox Costs Around The World

The Relation between Botox and Migraine

According to American Migraine Foundation, you are an ideal patient for Botox treatments if you suffer from migraines 15 days in a month or more. However, they do not encourage it for you if you are experiencing migraines lesser than 15 days a month. Doctors examined how migraines and Botox treatment intertwine, and they realized Botox injection blocks chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters functions as carriers sending pain signals from your brain, when injected the Botox acts as a roadblock in that pathway, preventing the chemicals before they get to the nerve endings around your neck and head. They are thus preventing the activation of pain networks in your brain.

Bear in mind, if you are opting for Botox treatment for migraines, you should seek the consultation of a specialist or neurologist, and avoid cosmetic doctors. Dr. Laura Banks at Natividad Medical Center, a neurologist recommends migraine patients to prompt their physicians by asking how many injections they will need and where they would need them.

In essence, over the years, Botox treatments have proved to achieve medical wonders beyond the world of cosmetic medicine. Successfully treating over 20 medical conditions, excluding aesthetic procedures. Doctors believe Botox treatments are far from reaching it is full potential, thus leaving us with hope to more medical discoveries.

This content is edited by Flymedi Medical Editors in July 5, 2019.



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