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How Much Does IVF Cost? – World Prices Explained

Before talking about the prices, let us answer this basic question: What Is IVF? IVF is a fertilization process of combining eggs and a sperm sample manually in a laboratory dish to produce an embryo(s), and then transfer them into the uterus. Every year, thousands of couples turn to in vitro fertilization in order to finally start a family after they learn via fertility test that they need an assisted reproductive technology treatment. In vitro fertilization can be a physically draining and expensive experience but for some couples, it can be the only chance to have a child, and the rewards are definitely worth it.

So how much does IVF cost? Here you may find the prices of this treatment in different countries.

READ: Top 10 Facts You Need To Know About In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF Cost – United States: $12,500

The cost of IVF in the United States is one of the highest in the world, and it can set you back as much as $12,500! This may or may not be affordable for a young couple, but there's no point in going into debt when there are so many options you can choose from.

IVF Cost – UK: $10,000

IVF costs are high in the UK as well, as one might expect to pay as much as $8000 for a single IVF cycle. Some expenses are covered by the NHS, but others are not so, in the end, it all depends on your budget.

IVF Cost –Turkey: $3000

In Turkey, the IVF cost is much lower than the USA IVF cost – 4 times lower! Turkey became a worldwide destination for IVF treatments due to the more affordable prices and more than 140 accredited and specialized public and private clinics.

READ: Best Medical Tourism Destinations

IVF Cost – Mexico: $5000

Mexico is a popular destination for US couples that want to save some money around 60%. Mexico has developed its medical infrastructure to the point that it rivals the medical clinics across the border, so it's an excellent choice for couples.

IVF Cost – Cyprus: $3300

Cyprus is also a premium destination for couples that require help in conceiving and starting a family. The IVF cost in Cyprus is comparable to the fees charged by Turkish clinics, but since you'll be spending some quality time on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean, it can be a very pleasant experience. Egg, sperm and embryo donation is allowed and anonymous in Cyprus, and there are no restrictions on who can or cannot be treated. It’s worth mentioning that some of the best IVF clinics in the world are based in Cyprus.

READ: Medical Tourism in Cyprus

IVF Cost –Poland: $2200

An interesting destination for IVF is Poland. Warsaw boasts a few reputable IVF clinics, and the IVF cost in Poland is quite affordable –just $2200 per cycle.

IVF Cost –Spain: $4500

The IVF cost in Spain is quite affordable as well, and Spain is a favorite destination among UK and Irish couples. If you combine the IVF centers in Spain with all the popular touristic destinations, you’ve got yourself a bargain.

Before deciding on a destination, it's very important to mention the fact that stress can have a negative effect on the success rate of the operation. It would be a better choice to visit a relaxing destination for your IVF treatment and leave your worries behind.

Learn more about IVF in Turkey by comparing costs and reviewing the clinics and doctors.


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