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Silhouette Face Lift - What Should You Know About It?

Silhouette Lift or silhouette derma lift is a non-surgical facelift procedure designed to give the face a fresher look by firming the sagging areas around brows, cheeks, jawline, chin, and neck with tightening collagen threads inserted deep under the skin through minimal incisions around hairlines.

Silhouette facelift, which takes a maximum of an hour under local anesthesia, gives an immediate result and is known as an instant facelift procedure. Every single movement of the doctor during the procedure is rigorous to ensure the placement is anatomically correct. Before the procedure, patients are required to avoid using aspirin, herbal supplements or vitamin E to reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising.

As you see while searching for the details and reviews of the procedure, it has variable names such as silhouette buttock lift, silhouette brow lift, and silhouette soft neck lift depending on the area where it is done.

Although the name of the procedure begins to be heard too much, we know that you cannot get much information about it. That's why we are going to answer the most common questions about this special procedure in this article.

READ: Silhouette Facelift – Say Hello To Your Younger Look!

Is Silhouette Face Lift Suitable for Me?

If you are over 40 years old and have started experiencing sagging on your face and around your neck, then you are a good candidate for a silhouette facelift. Or you may consider having the procedure if you think that your facial expression looks tired and you want to have a fresher look. Although it is a quick and safe procedure, you need to have good general health for it. If you have any significant health conditions, make sure to consult your doctor about whether or not this treatment might be right for you.

Silhouette Lift – How Long Does It Last?

The facelift procedure time is much shorter than facelift surgery and lasts around 30 to 60 minutes depending on the area being treated and how many areas to be treated. The entire procedure is performed using only local lidocaine injections. To insert the threads, a simple needle is used, and there are no incisions needed.

After the procedure is done, it generally takes 2 to 3 weeks for minimal bruises to recover completely and for you to have your final natural look. The procedure is permanent for up to 24 months. In this period of time, you may enjoy your new look by comparing before and after pictures of yourself, and then you may try another one.

READ: Fight Against The Gravity with Facelift

Silhouette Face Lift Recovery

Silhouette Face Lift Recovery time is much shorter and more comfortable than facelift surgery. You can go back to your usual daily activities within two days, but it generally takes 7 to 14 days for the skin to fully recover and take its final natural look. After a silhouette facelift, you may experience slight bruising and pain on your face. However, these silhouette lift side effects are most likely to dissipate totally within a week. During your silhouette facelift recovery time, you should:

• Avoid applying makeup until the around fifth day of your surgery
• Avoid excessive exposure to direct sunlight
• Avoid having dental surgery and other dental procedures
• Sleep lie-back and elevate your pillows for 3-5 nights after the operation.
• Be gentle when washing or shaving your face for 5 days, do not rub your face

Silhouette Face Lift Complications

Although the majority of patients do not experience Silhouette facelift complications, it is important to be aware of each of them and discuss them with your surgeon before the surgery:
• Discomfort
• Face asymmetry
• Bruising
• Bleeding
• Hematoma
• Inflammation in the incision areas
• Uneven skin surface
• Allergic Reactions

Silhouette Face Lift Cost

Silhouette lift price may vary depending on the surgeon, geographic region, hospital fees, and the complexity of the procedure.
Silhouette facelift cost in Turkey: €1,500 – €2,500
Silhouette facelift cost in Poland: €1,000 – €1,500
Silhouette facelift cost in India: €900 – €1,500
Silhouette facelift cost in the UK: €4,500 – €6,500
Silhouette facelift cost in Singapore: €4,000 – €6,000

READ: Botox Costs Around The World

This content is edited by Flymedi Medical Editors in 2023.


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