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Why Do We Need Check Up? 3 Facts You Should Know

Most of us do not appreciate our health until we lose it. We think that if we feel fine, or we do not take medications regularly, we do not need any caution. However, to maintain our good health, doctors suggest that regular check-up is important. By getting a health check-up, any problem related to your health can be diagnosed and solved before it gets worse. Exams and screenings necessities depend on your age, own health and family history, and lifestyle habits such as what you eat, how active you are, and whether you smoke.

In this article, we are presenting you the 3 facts why we should get regular check-ups. And we hope to create awareness for you to follow regular check-ups or start if haven’t got yet any.

1-Early Diagnosis Can Save Life

Every year, so many people die due to preventable diseases since they are too late for treatment.  Especially early diagnosis of some diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic lung diseases, is very crucial. For example, blood pressure screening can facilitate early diagnosis and reduce the risk of further complications and disease related to hypertension.

By getting regular health screenings, you can increase to the chance of recovery from these diseases. It is certainly not possible to prevent any diseases, but we can get treated them in the right time. There are some conditions that are fatal when they are left untreated. Our health is everything, and we should preserve it well.

2- Both Men and Women Need Check-Up Because Of Specific Reasons

Female health check-up helps to diagnose abnormalities in time since there are a number of diseases that affect women worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common cancer disease, which it has %90 of survival rate. Also, weight and body index can affect the reproductive system of women. For instance, overweight women are more likely to (<18%) have infertility. Female medical check-up includes breast and pelvic exams, PAP (Papanicolaou test), heart health examination, bone density test, and bowel cancer screening. High blood sugar and high cholesterol levels also may not have any symptoms in the early stages. A simple blood test covered in a health check-up can check for these conditions.

READ: Things You Should Know about Cancer

Male health check-up, as well as women’s, is important. There are variable diseases peculiar to men. Prostate cancer is one of the most popular among them. 1 out of 8 men has prostate cancer during their lifetime. It is important to know that prostate cancer develops slowly; thus if it is diagnosed early, it can be treated effectively.

Check-up includes some popular tests such as:

• Cervical smear tests (Pap tests) for women
• Blood pressure tests
• Cholesterol level checks
• Body mass index (BMI) and obesity tests
• Diabetes checks
• Electrocardiogram (ECG)
• Screening mammograms

On the other hand, unfortunately, pancreatic cancer is hard to find early. As the pancreas is deep inside the body, early tumors can’t be seen or felt during routine physical exams. However, for people in families at high risk of pancreatic cancer, newer detecting tests may help. One of these is called endoscopic ultrasound.

READ: Self-Examination of Breast Cancer – Why Is It So Important?

3- Check-Up Rises Awareness About Our Health

Our health is an essential thing to sustain our lives in an efficient way. It has an impact on how we sleep, eat, work or handle other things in our life. Apart from general body check-ups, we should also check our dental care regularly. Our oral health is very much related to our overall body health. Problems that may be caused or made worse by poor dental health include heart disease, strokes, diabetes, giving birth to a premature or low-birth-weight baby or respiratory (lung) disease.

We should visit the dentist approximately every six months. Scheduling check-ups with a dentist can help to prevent serious dental problems such as inflammatory gum disease, which can even increase heart disease since bacteria can build up in the mouth.  In addition to regular oral check-up, we should also be aware of the fact that our eyes can go bad. It is better to have vision tests and eye examination regularly. Especially people who are between 50 and 65 ages are recommended to visit an eye doctor twice in a year.

According to some researchers, some people do not go to a doctor, especially to a dentist, gynecologist, urologist or ophthalmologist, since they do not have any indication or discomfort, but when the symptoms finally occur, it becomes irreversible or intolerable.

READ: Be Careful of these Cancer Signs & Symptoms!

Where to Go for A Medical Check-Up?

A great number of private clinics offer health check-ups, for both males and females. You can consult a clinic close to you, or you may consider traveling to another country for a more affordable health check-up. From Poland to Thailand, there are many clinics around the world offering medical check-ups at a lower price. Whether you have loved ones depending on you or not, maintaining a quality life can depend on you.


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